Take our full-length Practice SAT or ACT to determine which exam is the best choice for you! By taking a full-length SAT or ACT , we will be able to break down your performance on the new SAT or ACT and determine the best course of action to improve your scores.
Once you know where you stand as a test-taker, we can customize an instructional program to target specific areas of improvement and give you the maximum score improvement!
Students who complete the diagnostic exam will receive a detailed breakdown of their performance. Not only can the exam break down the student's strengths and weaknesses, but it can also aid our tutors in creating a custom study plan to improve the student's score on the exam.
The detailed report breaks down student performance across all categories tested on the Digital SAT or ACT so that our tutors can focus on the student's weaknesses.
We will review the diagnostic report with you and your student and help you understand the nuances of their performance.
Address: 11005 Jones Bridge Road, Ste #101 Johns Creek, GA 30022 | Phone: 678-824-6890